This || That SHiT

Mr.Normal Guy writing things that seems abnormal. In street words 'Oh Shit' things

September 13, 2006

Grand Canyon Skywalk

"canyon by itself impresses. But if you can leave above the canyon, then here this - actually, it is actually freightening ", says the author of idea David tszin' (illustration MRJ Architects). This idea was borne in 1996 in the head of businessman on the name David tszin' (David Jin), who arrived in the canyon from Las-Vegasa to the excursion with its family. After infecting by idea, Tszin' assembled the group of the investors, who politely agreed to isolate into project $10 of millions and more. Moment, it is necessary to say that was selected that being suitable, since people, which lives next to the large canyon - Indians from the tribe Of valapai (Hualapai Nation), about 2 thousand people - exactly obtained government Grants and they gathered, on the whole of $40 of millions in order to convert the western part of the canyon (4 square kilometers) into the popular tourist center. But on the bottom of canyon - Colorado river for this it is necessary to build new hotels and cafe, to bring into order airport and so on.

Certainly, it would be rather well create some new sights. On the whole, the Indian organization Grand Canyon West as corporation Grand Canyon Resort, that were decided to increase the attendance of canyon by 250%, to bring it to 500 thousands, and that 3 million people per year, the undertaking caught the fancy, and they gave good. The development of design studied engineers from company Lochsa Engineering and specialists from firm MRJ Architects. "when we encountered the idea of this project, to us she seemed by such wild, that we could not refuse", acknowledged architect Mark Johnson.

As a result the glass bridge Grand Canyon Skywalk in the form of horseshoe, which comes out above the canyon to 20 and more appeared (thus far on the paper) it was meter. , in order to draw investors, David has himself the entire heap of the pictures of bridge (photo John Gurzinski/Las Vegas Review-Journal). It is understandable that the "vitreousness" of bridge is deceptive - with the building were used more than 450 tons of steel constructions, in particular - twigs with the diameter of 6,5 centimeters. On its surface the bridge can simultaneously accept 120 tourists, but drafters say that this number does not show true "load capacity", strength and reliability Skywalk. According to them, "celestial path" can maintain the weight into 36,5 thousand tons, equivalent to 72 aircraft Boeing 747


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